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An organisation of persons with related interests, goals, etc., especially one formed for mutual aid or protection


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The Guitar Makers Guild

The Guitar Makers Guild is a new project designed to help and support budding Luthiers specialising in solid and semi-solid electric Guitars.

The Guild has been set up to encourage all Luthiers of whatever level to work towards Master of the Guild which will be a recognition of the work and/or experience they have achieved. It is not a professional qualification but something being run "in House" alongside the Facebook Groups.

It is not designed to teach you this Art but to encourage you to take up Guitar Building and progress towards a Diploma discovering either via the three Facebook Groups or the Internet how to undertake various things. It is a voyage of discovery. Anyone achieving Master of the Guild or qualifying for it will be entitled to use the letters "GMG' after their name.

Membership of The Guild

You must become a Member of the Guild before you can undertake any of the Grades. Once a Member you will have access in the future to a Members Area (still in construction) and to other projects still in planning.

There is an annual subscription of £25 which will also cover your cost for Grade 1.

You will have 28 days after the due date in which to pay your annual subscription after which, if not renewed, your Membership will cease and you will be removed from the Guild and all benefits cancelled.

You will receive a Certificate of Membership by Post on joining.

There is an Annual Subscription of £25.

Associate Membership of The Guild

If you do not want to undertake the Grade work for a Diploma but are an amateur or professional Luthier who would like to be an Associate Member this is now possible.

You must be involved in Guitar building in some way either Amateur or Professional. If accepted you will become an Associate Member of the Guild and access to the Members Area (in construction).

If within your first year of Associate Membership you wish to switch to Membership and undertake the Grades this you can do.

You will receive a Certificate of Associate Membership by Post on joining.

There is an Annual Subscription of £25.

Honorary Membership

We will periodically be offering Honorary Memberships of the Guild for outstanding work in the Art of being a Luthier, their help and assistance given to the Guild and it's Members or anything else we feel worthy.

This is NOT open for Application but by invitation only. You can, however, suggest to us anyone you feel deserves this Honour. Please do this via the Contact Page giving full details as to why you feel they should be considered.

This will obviously only be given to time served Luthiers working in or retired from the Industry.

There is no Annual Subscription.


There will be three Grades to work through which will eventually result in becoming a Master of the Guild and permission to use it's logo on any paperwork, vehicles, advertising or any other medium. You must undertake each Grade even if you are experienced in Grade 1 or 2.

There is an annual subscription.

Not everyone will be successful and rushing at trying to get through the Grades will not work. This is for learning at your own pace and becoming confident and experienced as you progress not just for getting a Diploma.

This course refers to the building of a Telecaster Guitar but can also be followed using the same principles with other body designs. A Telecaster Kit is suggested as the best to start with.

The Guitar Makers Guild and it's Grade work are on-line only and all submissions MUST be made digitally. No written or printed materials will be accepted.

Problem Solving

As you progress through the Grades you will experience problems and it is how you get over these problems that help you learn. It is important therefore that any problems faced must be mentioned together with how you solved them. This will be a major part in assessing your work.

The Grades are as follows:

GRADE 1 - Apprentice. Introduction to Guitar Building and basic guitar construction

GRADE 2 - Journeyman. Furthering knowledge. Building a Guitar body from scratch and completing.

GRADE 3 - Master. Making and finishing a Guitar completely from scratch.

At the completion of each Grade you will need to provide details of your work, how you undertook the build, together with appropriate pictures from each stage.

Once each Grade is completed you will be awarded the appropriate Certificate for the Grade.

When you have successfully completed the course you will be a Master of the Guild and presented with a Diploma.


If you are experienced at building Guitars you can start at Grade 2 or Grade 3. Grade 3 is a requirement for becoming a Master.

Professional Luthiers

If you are a professional Luthier in all aspects of Guitar building all you will have to do is illustrate to us this fact by a written Thesis which contains not just details of your experience but examples of your work together with other documentation. (see Master). Once reviewed and accepted you will be granted Membership of the Guild immediately as a Master of the Guild upon payment of the enrolment fee and awarded a Diploma as a Master of the Guild together with all its benefits.

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