Periodically posted here will be News and other items of interest regarding the Guild and it's progress.
After an initial interest in the Guild I am becoming a bit disappointed and despondent of the interest, or lack of it, shown now.
I do appreciate such projects take time to establish themselves and get going but I did think I might receive some questions about it. Perhaps I am expecting too much too soon.
If interested and you do have any questions I would love to have them and will answer as quickly as possible.
You can contact me HERE
Comment on Facebook: That looks like an interesting development. The cynic in me thinks it's just another pointless annual fee to pay but offering recognition for genuine skill might be just what the UK industry needs to add resale value to guitars make by small-scale builders.
Reply: If you read what I am trying to establish you will see, whilst in it's infancy, it is not just for "pointless annual" fees. Take a look at the associate Groups and you will see how much time and effort I have put into promoting this Art over many years. The fees will not cover the time, production and posting of Certificates, administration, building and running the Website and all the other tasks required in running this project. They do however show some commitment to the Guild - we do not want just interested or curious people joining but those serious about this, dedicated to it and who will hopefully take on the work required and support The Guild.
Reply: If you read what I am trying to establish you will see, whilst in it's infancy, it is not just for "pointless annual" fees. Take a look at the associate Groups and you will see how much time and effort I have put into promoting this Art over many years. The fees will not cover the time, production and posting of Certificates, administration, building and running the Website and all the other tasks required in running this project. They do however show some commitment to the Guild - we do not want just interested or curious people joining but those serious about this, dedicated to it and who will hopefully take on the work required and support The Guild.